I'm not kidding myself to know that I am of any importance, but I want to make an announcement regarless of its insignificance. I'm not going to be around Newgrounds for a while in the near future.
This is not an April Fool's prank. Rather, there are personal reasons why I'm taking a break, much of which have to deal with real life. However, one of the reasons is because of what I personally have become as far as Newgrounds goes. I've become in essence a robot, something I hoped to never be.
When I started voting a Newgrounds, I tried to vote on Flash movies that were new and to write reviews on the ones that affected me for good or for ill. Now I simply go through the motions and vote on what's popular, and only leave a review when it comes monthly voting time. While this was due to time constraints on my end, over the past few weeks, I've begun to realize how lazy and selfish this is. It's not being a productive user, but following the herd, a mentality that I at least used to try to avoid.
I may drop in once or twice this month to vote, if that, but that's it. It's not that I don't love this place. I could spend the rest of a normal human life span just looking at the numerous Flash movies. But I want to actually be something more than a person who votes on five Flashes just to get my credits.
My thanks go to all the Newgrounds staff and the Newgrounds artists and users I've interacted with. Barring some unforseen accident I will be back, trust me. But I need a break right now; Newgrounds is too much of a good thing.
We all need breaks at times. Like I had a break from school (spring break) and now I actually feel glad to be back in, despite the loss of time.